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Experienced, Knowledgeable and Tireless!

Posted by Lacey on November 10, 2022

Experienced, Knowledgeable and Tireless!

"Mark has been great to deal with - experienced, knowledgeable an tireless in his efforts to both source and negotiate the right locations for our team. He has all the right connections in the Maritimes and has been persistent and dedicated in managing our mandate. We are happy to recommend his services." -Jessica Sisk Roehle, President: International Taymax Group L.P. (Planet Fitness)
Blueberry Commercial Real Estate - Leasing in Atlantic Canada
"Mark has been great to deal with - experienced, knowledgeable an tireless in his efforts to both source and negotiate the right locations for our team. He has all the right connections in the Maritimes and has been persistent and dedicated in managing our mandate. We are happy to recommend his services." -Jessica Sisk Roehle, President: International Taymax Group L.P. (Planet Fitness)

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